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App Bar

Inside the widget SidebarResponsive body defines the page in it, the page can be generated with the help of autoroute in app_router.dart.



    title: 'Kartu',
    profile: SidebarBodyProfile(
      onTap: () {},
      user: UserProfileModel(
        name: 'Nanang Prasetya Bekti',
        image: AppImages.avatarUrl,
        role: 'Admin',
        email: '[email protected]',
        package: 'FREE',
        uuid: 'vpUi37K2f7',
    action: [
        onPressed: () {},
        icon: const Icon(Icons.notifications_none_rounded, color: AppColors.labelPrimary),
        backgroundColor: AppColors.grey.shade50,


In the example above the properties action use the ElevatedButtonIcon for example learn more on Icon Button.


  • title defines the title on top left.
  • tabBar if you use tabBar please wrap SidaberBodyApp with DefaultTabController on top widget.
  • profile it is optional but you can use widget SidebarBodyProfile.
  • action defines button action on right after properties profile.
  • height if you need mobile responsive you can use :
    height: context.responsiveValue<double>(
        desktop: AppDimens.appBarHeight,
        tablet: AppDimens.appBarHeight,
        mobile: AppDimens.appBarHeightM,

Appbar with tabs

Appbar tabs

  routes: const <PageRouteInfo<dynamic>>[
  builder: (context, child, _) {
    late TabsRouter tabsRouter = context.tabsRouter;

    return DefaultTabController(
      length: 3,
      initialIndex: tabsRouter.activeIndex,
      child: Scaffold(
        appBar: SidebarBodyApp(
          title: 'Kartu', 
          tabBar: TabBar(
            onTap: tabsRouter.setActiveIndex,
            isScrollable: true,
            tabs: const <Tab>[
              Tab(text: 'Daftar Kartu'),
              Tab(text: 'Kategori'),
              Tab(text: 'Tipe'),
          profile: SidebarBodyProfile(
            onTap: () {},
            user: UserProfileModel(
              name: 'Nanang Prasetya Bekti',
              image: AppImages.avatarUrl,
              role: 'Admin',
              email: '[email protected]',
              package: 'FREE',
              uuid: 'vpUi37K2f7',
          action: [
              onPressed: () {},
              icon: const Icon(Icons.notifications_none_rounded, color: AppColors.labelPrimary),
              backgroundColor: AppColors.grey.shade50,
          height: context.responsiveValue<double>(
            desktop: AppDimens.appBarHeight,
            tablet: AppDimens.appBarHeight,
            mobile: AppDimens.appBarHeightM,
        body: child,


If Appbar uses the tabBar property then SidebarBodyApp must be wrapped using DefaultTabController. And for tab routers use AutoTabsRouter, and must be wrapped above DefaultTabController. For implement AutoTabsRouter you can learn more on Navigation


  • title defines the title on top left.
  • tabBar if you use tabBar please wrap SidaberBodyApp with DefaultTabController on top widget.
  • profile it is optional but you can use widget SidebarBodyProfile.
  • action defines button action on right after properties profile.
  • height if you need mobile responsive you can use :
    height: context.responsiveValue<double>(
        desktop: AppDimens.appBarHeight,
        tablet: AppDimens.appBarHeight,
        mobile: AppDimens.appBarHeightM,

Appbar Profile

Please use the widget SidebarBodyProfile wrap with Appbar and put this widget in profile.

Body profile

  onTap: () {},
  user: UserProfileModel(
    name: 'Nanang Prasetya Bekti',
    image: AppImages.avatarUrl,
    role: 'Admin',
    email: '[email protected]',
    package: 'FREE',
    uuid: 'vpUi37K2f7',


This component on development, if you use the component please follow this documentation.


  • onTab if need interaction use this properties.
  • user the properties is Model, for now this propertis under development 🚧.
Authors: Nanang Prasetya